Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Book Cover – Final

Here is my final project. I think that this might be my most successful project thus far. I think that it is really getting across what I wanted & looks finished. I think it captures the overall feel of the book without depicting any specific scene from the book. It especially captures the element of "big brother is watching you" without having to write it out. Nice way to finish the semester.

Final Reflection

Well this has been a pretty interesting learning experience. I was not looking forward to this class initially, but I think that it has really been a great class and I have learned a ton. I can see quite clearly how far my illustration technique has come and am really starting to feel like I have a small handle on what I am doing.

With the last illustration it was the first piece where I felt like I could get down what I had in my head without having to try something and erase it a few times over. I am really starting to enjoy illustrating and hope to do more of it over this break and in the future.

I think that the range of projects I have included in my final portfolio show the wide range of projects/style/techniques that I have been able to accomplish. I ended up going through most of the included projects and refining/changing the bits that where not up to par. I think that the final collection turned out quite good.

Here is a link to my pdf portfolio.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Sound Illustration

This illustration was surprisingly difficult to render in the style that I had in my head. I think that the overall feel of the image is very representational of how Stevie Ray Vaughn sounds. I think that the raw look of this piece fits SRV's style very nicely.
I had to try doing this piece three times to get the colors to move in the right way. I think that the hands still look a little too vague and some other areas could still use some more detail. Then again in the version before this one with more detail it looked too stagnate, so I guess walking that fine line is what I need to work on most. Illustration is a beast.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Cheezzy Airbrush – Final

So I hate cutting out frisket/airbrushing now. It is hard to keep motivated when there is like 3 hrs of prep time before you can even get started with the airbrushing.

I think that this is a pretty fun piece in the end. I had only just a few problems while making the piece which is good. The faces where very hard to get right and required a few practice runs on another sheet of paper. All in all I am pretty with this cheesiness.

Sound Illustration - Tight Pencil Comp

I am looking forward to illustrating this piece. I think it will be fun to be less realistic and try and represent the SRV's style visually. I think that I will have to play with everything for a while in the color comp stage to get everything resolved but after that it should be quite fun.

Missouri Postcard – Final Illustration

I tried doing this piece with a more dry brush technique, I am not really sure if it worked that well in this case. I think the whole thing looks a little too tight, I think it would have been better with some more wet water color & an uncoated board. I do like the way that the muted colors and the sky looks though. I will have to loosen up for the sound illustration.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Missouri Postcard – Color Comp

I think that this is starting to really represent what I think of when I picture Missouri in my mind. The cloudy sky, worn out old barn, mutated colors, and the overgrown grass all are very Missouri to me. Now I just have to paint on a itty bitty scale.